Friday, September 29, 2006

JW video project


The purpose of this video is to take a present look at the organization of (soon to be 2007)
Where do Jehovah’s Witnesses stand as an organization, as members with regard to there own personal faith, and reputation in the world “after everything has been said and done” (namely all the negative media attention esp. sex abuse and internet ministries)

How do you think the public views JW’s? Do they even care? Should they care?
What about families and friends who have been torn by JW’s? Why have there been so much hostile and resolute division amongst loved ones? Is there hope of reconciliation? How so?
What does the future hold for the organization of JW’s? What type of awareness is needed on the part of the public?

This video will be done in the spirit of Ray Franz testimony-without hostility or a spirit of revenge. It will be to create awareness within and outside the organization. It will serve to help identify persisting problems and identify their real causes so that real solutions might be proposed, considered and possibly implemented.

Analyzing statistics among Jehovah’s witnesses. (how governing body changes and 1975 affected growth and statistics)
How did the Jehovah’s Witnesses become so powerful?
What draws people to the organization in the first place?
What are the main reasons for disfellowshipping?
What is the REAL reason members make a conscious decision to leave to the organization?
How many statistically get reinstated? Why? What is the force which makes them come back?

A cult
What is a cult?
Can a cult be sometimes dangerous? Why?
Can Jehovah’s Witnesses be considered a dangerous cult?
What is some of there dangerous thinking?/Theology/practices?
-there need to put a literal interpretation of the scripture-black and white
-applying scriptures to themselves organizationally (ie the faithful and discreet slave class)
-assuming the place of God in interpreting scripture and judging members –enforcing punishment such as shunning, dictating relationships, imposing on people conscience
-a lack of responsibility for errors made and damage to others
-changing policies and interpretation at will
-expecting blind acceptance of their interpretation without allowing personal choice or interpretation or difference of belief without fear of expulsion
-acting as mediator for an approved relationship with Almighty God

In other words taking away our true Christian freedom

But despite its serious problems that threaten our own identity and freedom, divide our most beloved relationships and essentially contradict the teachings of Jesus Christ-why the hold on its members?
Are Jehovah’s Witnesses really that blind to the facts? Or do they know the facts unconsciously yet consciously surrender due to higher forces acting on their will?

Why should members leave the organization of witnesses?

There are serious problems within the organization

Problems with Authority Structure/ Governing Hierarchy
-assuming the place of God in interpreting scripture and members consciences
-in controlling member behavior enforcing scripture interpretations
-acting judicially
-in getting members legal consent through agreement to organization rules before baptism
-splitting families up by dictating relationships, emotional energies and attachments, enforcing shunning, dictating those in favor and worthy of admiration
-stressing a system of faith based on works that impose feelings of burden, guilt, pressure
-dangerous belief system that makes you believe that the only your religion merits salvation through the impending battle of Armageddon and that you must have the organizations favor to have God’s favor (this framework of thought has driven some to suicide for feelings of losing favor with God

-a literal interpretation of the scriptures-where interpretations are accepted without question at baptism
when presenting these beliefs for salvation to others it is presented as fact and truth –not as belief. This manner of presentation is presumptuous. It is saying that they know God’s meaning behind scripture. Instead of saying : “this is what I believe” they are saying: “this is the truth and you must think this way also to have salvation by God”


Internet statistics on society member fluctuations's_Witnesses#1870-1916's_Witnesses

Internet database of JW’s in the media
X-JW’s who can assist in testimonies and eyes witness disclosure to the facts regarding the organization

Proposed reasons why people choose to stay in the organization

(googled: why do some people leave the watchtower)
-those who have positions of power
-too much of their life has been invested
-the strong sense of community
-an appealing value system (ie encouraging the youth to avoid drugs, immorality etc)
-its standards are enforced generally as compared to “Babylon the great” denominations
-they actually believe that they have “the truth”
-fear-fear of rejection, fear of condemnation by God

What would drive an X-member to suicide?
-feelings of condemnation by God

Out of curiosity: how many of Jehovah’s witnesses actually truly believe they have “the truth”?
What would be their causes for doubt should they have any?
What would be their “disagreements” with the organization should they have any? (causing them to defend their religion with their programmed brainwashed replies)

V. Did You Know......
...Jehovah's Witnesses are disproportionately female - 55% of them are women (Stark and Iannaccone, p.149).
...Jehovah's Witnesses are not legally allowed to practice their beliefs in most of the Islamic world (Ibid, p.136).
...Jehovah's Witnesses are considerably successful in retaining their kids within their belief system (Ibid, p.153).
...Jehovah's Witnesses are less likely to attend college (Ibid, p. 148).
...Jehovah's Witnesses are as likely to have been divorced as any American (Ibid, p. 150

jw’s in the news:
children of Jehovah -1994 on cbc
witnesses of Jehovah-jeremiah films


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